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Advanced Wound Care Grafting

Among our comprehensive medical services at Shadid Medical Group in Edmond, OK is advanced wound care grafting to help improve the healing process. Our specialized expertise allows us to treat many types of wounds, such as lacerations and burns, to ensure the wound closes and heals properly with minimal scarring. Wound grafting is also a valuable and effective form of treatment utilizing advanced, state-of-the-art technology to successfully address post-surgical wounds. If you have suffered some sort of trauma resulting in a wound, whether in a hidden or conspicuous place such as the face, get in touch with us and schedule a consultation to see if wound care grafting is right for you.

doctor performing checkup for an infant

Improve the Healing Process

If you have a wound that doesn’t seem to heal or is healing at a slow pace, our innovative wound care treatments at Shadid Medical Group can help. There are many reasons why a wound may heal slowly, including infections, nutrition deficiencies, using certain medications, or a chronic disease such as diabetes, and our team can manage the wound no matter the cause. Our team of medical professionals has extensive training and experience performing advanced wound care grafting that is proven to promote improvements in the healing process. With our commitment to providing the highest degree of medical care, you can be assured you’ll receive the compassionate, prioritized treatment you deserve.

Medical Care You Can Count On

Dr. Shadid has built a distinguished reputation for providing families with quality medical care when they need it most. As your primary healthcare provider, we are here to address many medical conditions and help you achieve long-term health. When a wound isn’t healing properly or is healing at an unreasonably slow rate, get in touch with our office. We’ll schedule an evaluation and determine if our advanced wound care grafting treatment is the best course of action. Contact Shadid Medical Group today, where your health is our top priority.

Schedule Your Appointment Today