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male doctor in white formals

Dr. Stanley Christopher Shadid


Dr. Shadid is born and raised in Oklahoma. He attended the University of Oklahoma and then he graduated at the top of his class from Ross University School of Medicine. He completed his Family Medicine residency at The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center in Oklahoma City. He is board-certified in family and preventative medicine. Dr. Shadid prides himself in taking care of patients of all ages and in all situations. He sees everyone from newborns to the elderly. He continues to see patients in the hospital as well! He is the recipient of the Reader’s Choice Award for 'Top Family Medicine Physician' in the State of Oklahoma, in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. He was awarded ‘Physician of the Year’ by 405 Magazine in 2020 and named in the 405 Magazine's top physician list for 2021.

Dr. Shadid has a special interest in cosmetic and aesthetic services. He has undergone advanced training in these services including laser therapy, botox/fillers, and minimally invasive surgeries such as radiofrequency skin tightening and liposuction. He has also had advanced training in hormone replacement therapy.

Dr. Shadid is married to his wife Katy and they have three kids: Micah, Noelle, and Layla. He is an active member at Crossings Community Church and serves on the board of directors at the Crossings Community Medical Clinic.

woman doctor in her uniform

Laney Combs

DNP, APRN, FNP-C Nurse Practitioner

Laney Combs is our nurse practitioner assisting Dr. Shadid in seeing patients. Laney grew up in Oklahoma, where she attended Deer Creek High School. She attended Oklahoma City University, where she obtained her BSN. She then furthered her education when she became a Doctor of Nursing Practice and certified family nurse practitioner in 2019. After graduation, Laney worked as a hospitalist at SSM Health St. Anthony and McCurtain Memorial Hospital. Her areas of interest include preventative medicine and women’s health, as well as a special interest in weight loss. Her greatest passion is primary care, where she can see patients of all ages. Laney is married to Kyle, who is an ICU nurse. They have three rescue dogs at home and are currently awaiting the arrival of their first daughter.

woman in black blazer

Kimberly Roberts

APRN-CNP Nurse Practitioner

Kimberly is also one of our nurse practitioners helping Dr. Shadid see patients. She was born and raised in Oklahoma and attended Midwest City High School. She then attended The University of Oklahoma, where she obtained a BA in psychology and a BS in nursing in 2008. She furthered her education at Midwestern State University, where she got her MSN, becoming a nurse practitioner. Kimberly has experience in family practice, urgent care, and women’s health. Her areas of interest include preventative medicine and wellness, women’s healthcare needs, and working on collaboration with the patient to help each individual achieve their ideal level of health. Kimberly is married with three children. They enjoy being outside, traveling, sports, and spending time with family and friends.

woman with glasses in shadid medical group t shirt

Francisca Gutierrez-Martinez

Practice Manager

Francisca is our practice manager and the glue that holds our team together! She is our practice manager, referral coordinator, scheduler, and does so much more. She is also the one that keeps Dr. Shadid in line. Francisca has been working with Dr. Shadid for nearly ten years! She grew up in Oklahoma, where she graduated from Northwest Classen High School. She is now furthering her education at Oklahoma State University, where she will obtain a degree in health care administration. Francisca has been married to Jorge for twelve years and is a mother of three children, Michael, Julissa, and Abel.

Andrea Moore

Medical Assistant

Andrea is one of our medical assistants and prior authorization guru. She has been working for Dr. Shadid for five years now. Andrea grew up in Midwest City and went to Choctaw High School but graduated from Carl Albert High School. She then got her Registered Certified Medical Assistant Certificate from Everest College in Austin, TX, with Honors. Later, she was hired by Dr. Shadid at Integris, where she became an essential part of the team! Andrea has been married to Dean for ten years, with three kids, Sebastian, Zeena, and Declan. In her spare time, Andrea loves baking anything from cakes to pies to cookies for her business, Bad Moms Bakery OKC.

Ashley Anderson

Medical Assistant/ Phlebotomist

Ashley is another one of our medical assistants, as well as our phlebotomist. There is no need to go somewhere else for labs – we can do them in the office during your appointment! Ashley grew up in Davis, Oklahoma, and attended Oklahoma State University, where she obtained an associate degree in arts. She is currently a senior at OSU striving for a bachelor's in psychology. Ashley enjoys helping patients in any way possible. Ashley loves spending time with her family, friends, and two dogs.

Kiya O’Connor

Front Office Manager

Our front desk genius is Kiya O’Connor! I’m sure you have seen Kiya at the front desk helping patients check in. Kiya is an expert at insurance, copy collections, and greeting patients with a smile. She is also the assistant to the practice manager helping with various tasks. Kiya grew up in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and attended Guthrie High School. After high school, she had various jobs in the medical field, including a front desk position at Integris, where she met Dr. Shadid. When opening the new practice, Dr. Shadid knew our team wasn’t complete until we hired Kiya for a front desk position at Shadid Medical Group. Kiya and Dustin have an English bulldog named Titan and two cats named Tigger and Alice.

Madison Gaiski


Madie is officially Dr. Shadid’s scribe and also helps with rooming and social media, filling in wherever needed – she is essentially our internal float! Madie grew up in Choctaw, Oklahoma. She went to high school at Carl Albert High School and is now furthering her education at The University of Central Oklahoma, where she hopes to obtain a degree in health care. Madie has one dog, Sully, a golden retriever, who keeps her very busy. Madie enjoys spending time with her friends and family in her spare time.

Katy Shadid

Billing Supervisor

Katy Shadid was born in Oklahoma City. She attended PC North High School and graduated from The University of Oklahoma with a degree in psychology. Katy is the billing supervisor for Shadid Medical Group, analyzing medical records and identifying documentation deficiencies. She also verifies documentation to ensure visits are billed correctly and investigates and resolves any coding issues. Katy married her high school sweetheart, Dr. Shadid, and together they have three kids, Micah, Noelle, and Layla.

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